Celebrating Women’s History Month by Celebrating Women in Our Lives: Lillie Goodwin, by Fernanda Pichardo ’24

by Fernanda PIchardo ’24

My Dear Lillie Goodwin,

My second mom, my tutor, my inspiration, my best friend. You changed my life. You taught me how to be an extraordinary student and a good person. You taught me how to be a friend to others and to be kind to everyone no matter their situation. You taught me your ways of studying and accomplishing your academic goals so that I can achieve mine as well. You taught me everything I know.

It’s been 3 years without your beautiful spirit by my side. I know that I am blessed to have every single memory in my heart but I miss you everyday. The love that you fulfilled me with has turned into anger, angry that God took away my best friend from me when I needed her the most. But as you would tell me, “turn that anger into love.” So I seek the positive because that’s what you taught me.

Therefore, I am beyond grateful that I had 15 years with the best human being that ever walked on this earth and that she taught me how to be like her so that maybe one day I can become as great. 05/21/2021

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