Celebrating Women’s History Month by Celebrating Women in Our Lives: My Mom, by Delilah Reyes ’26

By Delilah Reyes ’26

Everytime Women’s History Month comes around it reminds me of my mother. My mom shows me the real world.. She always gives me the best advice when I need them due to a situation that’s happening, she shows me everyday what LOVE is.

My mom always tells me to have respect for myself and to always love myself first before I love someone else. She always brings the best of me no matter what. She never gives up easily, she always pushes through in life whether she’s going through a hard time. I remember dancing with her at my quince. It was so meaningful to me all the sacrifices she has done for me. If someone would ask me who my favorite hero was, it would be my mother.. Why? She’s the most caring,loving,and honest person.

When I think of a hero, I think of a brave, hardworking, trustworthy, strong, beautiful and unselfish person. Someone who can protect you from danger or anything and make your life so much better and that person is my mom. She has all those qualities and always will. My mom is my favorite person in this world, she’s always there when I need her most and honestly I don’t know what I would do without her in my life. She blessed me with a great life and I’m always and forever thankful for everything she does for me. NOBODY could ever compare to my mother. She will always be my role model. 

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