Celebrating Black History Month by Celebrating Those in Our Lives: My Mom, by Frederick Cannon ’26

My mom Kimberly Brown Cannon, is an amazing mother of 3 children including me, my brother, and sister. My mom is an only child of my grandparents. She is a counselor at CVS high school in Chicago.

I chose my mom because even though she has students at work that require her full attention, she still makes her family and her children’s needs her biggest priority. For example, she made sure I had a tutor from 4th grade until high school (even though I think I didn’t need one).

Also, she’s a prime example of never giving her kids an allowance type of parenting which personally I feel like all kids should have.This parenting style helped me to understand how to save money and when she borrows money I learned to make sure I spend on useful things so I can still have some money left things I need. Next, my mom is always there for me in my times of trials and triumphs over my problems in life that I feel I can’t handle alone. Lastly, my mom has always been one of my role models since she’s always pushing me to do my best everyday so I can succeed later on in life.


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