Celebrating Black History Month by Celebrating Those in Our Lives: My Best Friend, Leonardo, by Barrack Guillaume ’26

by Barrack Guillaume ’26

I would like to talk about a friend who is someone very special to me , a friend who I really consider more of a brother, and someone who changed my life, Leondardo.

The first time I met him I was watching a soccer match being organized near my house, and he invited me to play for his team in the game. It was an incredibly kind thing to do, and ever since we became best friends.

I also admire Leonardo because of his skills as a soccer player. He is an excellent midfielder and passer on the pitch, and while maybe not Messi or Ronaldo, I consider him as such for his age.

He’s also someone I admire because of how intelligent he is regarding many different subjects. Altogether Leonardo is someone who has made a huge impact on my life, and someone I’m thankful for as a friend.

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