Delilah’s Championship Game Predictions and some further Bills Torture

by Delilah Reyes ’26

Raven’s rolled, Love came up short, the Lion’s continue their dream run, and the Bills continue breaking hearts—the Divisional Round was quite entertaining, plus I went 3/4 with my picks, but who’s counting. Anyway, here’s the recap for last week’s games:

And in case you’re a Bills fan who enjoys torturing yourself, here’s a video reminder of another “wide right” let down:

And just for fun, here’s the Bills missing another field goal, again wide right, to win, rather lose, Super Bowl 25.

So, who is going on to the Super Bowl?

Well, let’s start with the obvious, considering my fandom, the Chiefs will be moving on to the dance, no if, buts or maybes. 34-21.

Lions vs 49ers is a bit trickier–on paper SF clearly has a skill advantage, and in a vaccum I’d pick them 9/10 times against the Lions. That said, there seems to be something magical and fate driven about this Lions season, so I’m siding with destiny and picking the city of Detroit: 28-17.

See you next week, where I will be predicting a Chiefs Super Bowl victory and championship parade.

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