Getting to Know Fernanda Pichardo ’24

By Delilah Reyes ’26

What is your favorite movie?

The Bee Movie.

What is your happiest memory?

This summer, I visited my best friends back in Colorado. One morning the three of us decided to watch the sunrise. It was full of jokes, cute pictures, and hugs. I’ll never forget that memory.

Where do you want to live when you grow up?

I want to live in Colorado. I love the mountains and the rural area.

If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?

  I would wish to be back home with my best friends. I would wish to go visit my brother at college right now, and I would wish for a dog cause dogs are dope. 

What are your favorite stores to shop in?

Lululemon and Target.

Which Is Worse, Failing Or Never Trying?

Never trying because how will you ever know that you couldn’t have succeeded?

Who inspires you the most and why?

My mom inspires me the most, because although she doesn’t have a lot, she works so hard to give her kids everything that she never had.

You Could Offer A Child Only One Piece Of Advice, What Would It Be?

 Don’t rush your childhood. I’m 17 and it’s hitting me that this is the last year to be a kid before I’m on my own. I remember being a little girl wishing to be like “the big kids”. Now I wish I was like the little kids.

Do you play sports?

I play volleyball and run track.

Lastly, what are your plans after high-school?

I’m hoping to be admitted into Creighton University to study nursing so one day I can become a pediatric icu nurse.

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