Get to know Mr.Browner

By LaMarc Hubbart ’26

What brought you to SFDS?

Your principal, Pretty much right after having an interview with her I knew I wanted to come here, I had a few other offers but right after the interview I knew I wanted to come here.

After your first week here at SFDS, what is your first impression of the school?

It was very energetic, kind of all over the place but it’s to be expected, in a good way of course. I also feel like I have a bond with the students already even though I don’t know all their names yet.

How long have you been teaching math?

This is actually my first year as a teacher, the only experience I had previous to this was a year of student teaching in my college as well as small group work.

What classes do you teach?

I teach 3 Algebra 1 classes, 1 geometry class, and 1 business math class.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Frankfort Illinois and have lived there all my life, I originally moved out when I was younger but college debt brought me back.

Where did you go to college?

I attended Iowa State University but previous to that I went to Joliet Junior College.

Any tips you can give to students?

If you are having a hard time finding a college, community colleges in my opinion are perfectly fine to attended so don’t stress yourself out over it.

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